Monday, August 14, 2006

The Project Begins...

So the school year is about to begin and we are embarking on this journey of revitalizing education at AHS through the use of laptops with one Social Studies, Science, and English classroom. It is a daunting task to say the least. The project began with just the excitement that we, Brian, Brad and I, were going to have a digital classroom where we could try some new things in terms of teaching and connecting with our students. Through countless emails, conferences with each other, meetings every Friday at school during the summer, we have been putting our plan into place of how these classrooms and these students will be different. Another time I will go into all the details, but I just wanted to get this started and get all my buddies to help me fill up this blog with what we are experiencing regarding leaving our safety zone of teaching and really trying something remarkably powerful and influential to not only our lives as teachers but to the lives of our students, their families, and the community of AHS.


  1. I just want to thank the people who worked hard on developing laptop policies this summer while I was traipsing around Europe. I feel pretty lucky to have access to the laptops during 1st, 6th, and sometimes 4th hours. I'm also a little nervous because I feel so behind all of you. Anne has been generously sharing all of the basics and many of the details with me. Any other epiphanies regarding the laptops I'd love to hear. Thanks!

  2. I am also very excited to have access to the laptops for some of my Chemistry classes (thanks to Brian). I think this will be an amazing journey and I'm anxious to see how the laptops impact student learning.
    Thank again to Brian, Karl, Anne and Brad for all of thier hard work! I apologize if I have left anyone out!
