Sunday, August 20, 2006

Unleashing the laptops

The kids all needed to complete a timed writing sample on Friday and so I figured what the heck I don't have enough stress going on in my life, let's see if we can get them all signed in and running in a timed segment. Was it successful? Did the kids rise to the challenge? Was Smith crazy? YES TO ALL. The kids did a great job even though we had a few minor glitches. The students had issues with their log-ins as well as the computers having issues with the log-ins, but for the most part by fifth hour I was happy. The kids really rose to challenge despite me trying to be teacher and computer troubleshooter all at once. It was really cool to sit back and just watch them composing on the computer. It was like watching them all in this zone of writing/ typing. Now all I need is for the drop boxes to work so I can read theri creations.


  1. Got the drop boxes working this morning, but then we had lots of connectivity issues fifth period (second and third had MAP testing). ITS is going to configure another access point for us and we'll just plug it in directly in C11 to see if that works. If it does, great. If not, well at least we'll have eliminated the distance to the access point as a factor.

  2. Anne, I would love to come in and see how you are using the labtops in your class. Because I did not know that I was going to have labtops until the first week of school I am really wondering what to do with them. One thing that I would love to do is have them blog together as a class. I heard Kakos did this and I would love to hear ideas about how to set this up and how it worked in class. If you have basic ideas feel free to dump them on me...

  3. I am finally here. I have enjoyed the benefit of watching Anne and Kristin some to help iron out some potential issues before I start with my classes of 36 and 37. Thanks for letting me steal from your experiences this last week. I plan on spending lots of time watching others use these.
